how am I supposed to manage IT risk at my company when EVERY SINGLE VENDOR is throwing our private data into AI models that can be tricked into leaking it.
@mugginsm post signs that say:
“Do not disclose any private information to the computer. It cannot be trusted to keep secrets.”
@JeffGrigg @ewenmcneill @mugginsm %s/ to keep secrets//g
@JeffGrigg @ewenmcneill @mugginsm i trust you are neither a mutant, nor a member of a secret society, citizen!
remember; happiness is mandatory.
@JeffGrigg @ewenmcneill @mugginsm
This seemed on-theme for 'believing an un-trustworthy source'.
(Photo appears to be from Pominoz68 on Flickr; text is from Maverick-Ornithography on Tumblr.)