If anyone else in the fediverse is into #BasketWeaving, #cordage, #BowDrills, and similar #Neolithic technology, come say hi?
Here's my most time-consuming coil #basket. Made from yucca fibre, with one continuous piece of two-ply twist string. It's extremely tough and hardy.
Added the handle later (yucca string and a small piece of bone), with some help from my #BasketWeaving assistant.
@pjf kind of! I made my first bullroarer this year.
@pjf hello! I love weaving baskets, mats etc
@pjf Mate, those are just beautiful! I should get me some of that fibre and give it a go
@pjf You know what's scary? That will probably outlast a lot of software we've written.
@pjf Your basket looks lovely, and Queen Felicia is adorable!
@pjf you are the #1 person I want to know in an apocalypse
@pjf Gorgeous! Both the basket and the cat
@pjf LVT *and* ancient tech? That's a definite follow.
@pjf Beautiful work, and I love the Opinel and kitty, too!
@pjf I had a friend, whom I lost track of 20 years ago, but who was doing her PhD on basket weaving. (Which made for some pretty funny jokes, I can tell you.) But she was studying the indigenous and neolithic modalities and patterns and tools and materials and it was really cool.
@MissConstrue : That *would* be really cool! I'm fascinated at how much we know about ancient baskets, both from specimens and fragments that have survived, but also from their depictions in art and traces found on clay, etc.
@pjf I had a book she coauthored at some point. I don’t remember seeing it after the tornado, but I’ll look around and see if I can find it for you.
@pjf I'm more into Iron Age tech than Neolithic, but I do enjoy a spot of bushcraft from time to time. I'm a sucker for a good adze.
@pjf ooh neat! I've taken a couple of basket making workshops, but I've only done a few small pieces so far