how to write documents:
1. write your first draft
2. delete the parentheses
3. deal with the nested parentheses (you had them, didn't you?)
4. oops I accidentally more parentheses
@yaakov I’m starting (we’ll, have been for a while) to wonder if I have ADHD…
@ijk64 I have long wondered the same
@yaakov @reselsnark fuck I feel seen (it’s possible not to have adhd and still use parentheses?(otherwise fuck))
@yaakov @reselsnark so what’s the chances that the people who invented programming languages were adhd and the reason a lot of adhd people are devs is because they are attracted to the use of parentheses/braces/brackets in programming languages.
@Jplonie @reselsnark haha you couldn’t even last one toot
@yaakov brackets, colons, semicolons and obviously foot notes (and footier notes on the food note).
@yaakov more like:
1. Write first draft
2. Delete things
3. … wait. How did this get bigger?
@yaakov Protip: As a first pass, move all the parenthesized expressions into footnotes[1].
1. Witches love footnotes. (They can even contain a layer of parenthesis[2].)
2. And other footnotes[1]. Bonus, you can create a full DAG.
3. Not sure where to put extra ideas that an editor said wasn't useful? Orphaned clauses don't have to be garbage collected. Dump them all down here. A top-down graph traversal will never find them.
Oh, you can¹ (and should) have both, with (slightly) different connotation², and combine them with end notes and appendices. And online you just can set links³ to other essays you wrote about similar topics.
Appendix A:
In scientific texts the use of footnotes differs lots across fields, see e.g.
¹I mean it's _your_ text
²as they are perceived in different ways and therefore have different influence on the rhythm
@yaakov never been so called out in my life
The vyvanse does not help with this
@yaakov my thought process is akin to lisp
@yaakov I hate how much I relate to this. Lmfao