Just finished sewing together the tea towels for my bedcover project. 7 came from op shops and 2 from Mum. Because of the various sizes the arrangement options were a bit limited but I’m happy with it!
Now I will hunt through my stash of old sheets for some backing and binding fabric.
The bedcover is finished. Minnie, the chief user of this bed, seems to approve - she is currently lying on the Lake District
I deconstructed an old fitted sheet to make the backing so all the materials except the thread are reused items
@simplicitarian Gosh, you're very clever, Ali! Looks fantastic!
@TizaneNZ Thanks! It’s actually pretty easy to sew, and I got the inspiration from a tea towel duvet cover my friend made
@simplicitarian It is a great idea to use the tea towels and old sheet like that!
@perkinsy There’s good sturdy fabric in tea towels, so it should hopefully stand up to the wear and tear of cats
@perkinsy It isn’t an original idea - I was inspired by a friend’s project!
@simplicitarian Kitties are solar charged. Minnie's just recharging.
@simplicitarian Minnie clearly has extremely good taste!